Jews! Funny!

Almost a year ago, I blogged about the presence of Jews on TV. I am reminded of this because of the May 3 episode of ER (which I watched a few days ago: Tivo is God, praise Tivo).

In the episode “I Don’t,” Luka arranges a surprise wedding for Abby (seriously, have these people completely run out of ideas?). He has managed to get the dress she was lusting after in a bridal magazine, and gotten her measurements so he could have it fitted, and picked the flower arrangements she’d been idly admiring, and so on. Everyone at work shows up for what they’ve been told is a departmental dinner, conveniently dressed in wedding attire (I am starting to hate this show).

And in a moment of hilarity! The Justice of the Peace is sick! And a rabbi! That’s right a rabbi! Fills in to perform the ceremony.

I just. Couldn’t. Believe it. My jaw was just dropping. The rabbi (played by George Wyner) was a caricature more suited to the 1950s than 2007. He was there for no reason except Jews Are Funny. He said “meshugga”—Funny! He had a Yiddish accent—Funny! After marrying two gentiles he asked the groom to step on a glass and said “Humor me”—Hilarious!

I was so offended my skin just about crawled off my body. He did everything except ask for money (because Jews! Like money!) and offer to circumcise Luka.

Based on last names alone, episode writer David Zabel and director Andrew Bernstein are Jewish, so I am baffled at this ill-considered and kind of creepy display of kitsch anti-Semitism. But I assure you, it was sickening.


I was talking with my sister about relationships, and I mentioned that there was a passage from an Indigo Girls song that I thought encapsulated a lot of what we were discussing. And I opened my mouth to quote it and…


A complete blank. So then I tried to paraphrase. Nothing. Mush came out of my mouth. Pure mush. I couldn’t come up with a single line, or the basic meaning, or the name of the song or the album or anything.

So this morning I finally remembered enough of a passage to do a search. The song turns out to be Mystery from Swamp Ophelia, and the passage is:

So what is love then,
Is it dictated or chosen?
Does it sing like the hymns of 1000 years,
Or is it just pop emotion?
And if it ever was here and it left
Does it mean it was never true?
And to exist it must elude
Is that why i think these things of you?

So yes, I think that encapsulates most of the questions we ask about love. It doesn’t, however, encompass the questions I have about what’s happening to my frickin brain.

Friday Catblogging: Very Alert

Roberta took this picture with her camera phone, so it’s a little fuzzy, but it’s really cute and I’m having computer problems that prevent me from loading other pictures right now.

We Are Paying Careful Attention To That Camera Phone

Costume Trivia Solutions

One that I thought was an absolute gimme went unsolved. And someone other than Tom solved #5. An unpredictable week.

» Read more..

The Martini Strikes Back

So it turns out two ants did manage to cross the Great Barrier (actually, the hall) into the kitchen.

I found one drowned in the dregs of a jalepeno martini. That’ll teach ’em.

Republican Scandals Interactive Map

Via Slate, a pretty picture of a not-so-pretty picture.

Hint added

Slight correction and a little hint for the last remaining clues.

Update: Turns out there were two clues remaining. All hinty now.

There IS something worse than mouse droppings.


Fucking ants. Why did it have to be ants?

Big ol’ pile of them crawling all over the last remaining cat food kibble when I went to fill the bowl this morning. Also another big hunk o’ ants under the bowl. So I killed me a bunch of ants and cleaned the floor and washed my hands three times and moved the cat food into the kitchen because in the past, the ants have not followed. (I normally feed them in the downstairs bathroom.)

Then I make my coffee and sit and drink and by the way, this morning I lost a pair of shoes. I know, that’s weird. Last week I wore these cute black sandals with a gold ring that would go perfectly with what I’m wearing today and this morning I couldn’t find them in my closet. So after I drank my coffee I went to see if I’d left them in the living room and I notice Fanty poised at the bathroom door looking Very. Alert.

So I look and sure enough the floor is crawling with ants. Very busy ants. They appear to be building a city. Some have little hard hats.

So this isn’t the first time I’ve had ants in that exact spot, and what that means is I know where to find the Raid. Fuck you if you think I shouldn’t spray poison because hey? Ants.

Looks like the Pagans and the feminists outlasted him

An evil man is dead. I’m not shedding any tears.

Tuesday Trivia: Costumes

1. A velvet neck ribbon, a bed sheet, and nothing else.
Solved by MJ Ray (comment #8).

2. A pink taffetta gown with matching crown and wand.
Solved by Evn (comment #1).

3. A pair of two-tone shoes, checked in at tourist attraction.
HINT: The movie is named after the tourist attraction’s location.

4. A red ball gown at an all-white ball.
Solved by Roberta (comment #4).

5. A “Blue Sun” t-shirt.
Solved by witless chum (comment #5).

6. A pair of giant pretzels worn as a bra.
Solved by Evn (comment #2).

7. High black boots, an ammo belt, and a red bikini.
HINT:On close examination of movie stills, I realize I should have said two ammo belts, criss-crossed. And it’s maybe more of a red diaper than a red bikini; sort of a matter of debate. 1974.