For Spring Equinox, we planted seeds. It was really beautiful. Also silly, because thyme seeds turn out to be borderline microscopic, and none of us could pick them up in order to plant them. Next year, back to peas.
Anyway, so I had these microscopic seeds sprinkled across the top of this mini-greenhouse kit, sitting in the window soaking up the sun.
Then cats happened.
Now I don’t know what to do. I cleaned up the dirt that was all over the kitchen counter, and I put as much of the loose dirt as possible into my rosemary plant. Some of the microscopic seeds might have gotten in there too, and might germinate. Or not. My loose plan is now to have rosemary bread in ritual in June instead of thyme bread.
But it does sort of feel like Mingo and Fanty have prevented spring from coming, the rat bastards. That’s Arthur’s new name for them: Bastards With Paws.