They love this toy:
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Archive for Gang of Two
Friday Kittenblogging: The Toy & the Lap
Smiley face in unusual place
Arthur drew a smiley face on Mingo.
May I remind the viewing audience that Arthur is going to be sixteen years old soon? Yes. Arthur, the young man, all 5’8″ of Arthur, drew a smiley face on a kitten.
Leading me to say: Don’t write on the cat.
Maybe not a sentence never heard before, but possibly a sentence never heard before by anyone over the age of four.
Kitten-blogging (pretend it’s not Sunday, ‘kay?)
They wanted to be blogged, so what’s a couple of days between friends. (Next week, the Gods willing, we return to our regular Friday schedule.)
I keep baskets on the dining room table. Cats like baskets.
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Kittens to Mom: But we WANT to be blogged
Let’s see. Went to the movies last night and got home tennish. Started the process of installing Dreamweaver. Halfway through, my mousies died. No mousie. And actually, there’s a lot you can do without a mousie, but one thing you can’t do, it turns out, is use Help windows. You can use F1 to open help and Tab to move through the Table of Contents, but you can’t Tab over to the help text to make it scroll down. So I couldn’t finish setting up Dreamweaver to manage the website, because I couldn’t remember all the steps.
Anyway, so I thought I’d at least ftp some kittenism from work. Plugged my camera into my work computer and got the pics, but it turns out my ftp site is blocked by the corporate firewall. (Sounds like a job for Harrison Ford.)
So allow me to assure you they’re still cute.
Invisi-Kitten Blogging
Still no home computer, so no access to uploading photos. Allow me to paint a verbal picture.
Arthur found a string-on-a-stick toy that is guaranteed to make kittens backflip. Seriously, it’s like pushing a button and whoosh.
Mingo is still Mighty, and Fanty is still Fraidy, but Fanty will occasionally, if she’s very relaxed, allow me to approach. Also if I’m lying on the couch in TV mode, she’ll deign to sit on my legs or sometimes my tummy (but never come all the way up to my face like her brother does). Okay, so last night, the very cutest. In a moment of stunning bravery, Fanty came up to chest-level as I lay on the couch, purring like mad. I scritched her on the side of the neck and she leaned into it…and fell right over. A little too much lean there, honey. It was really the cutest ever. Ever.
Felonius Felines
I understand that dangling strings are fun. I understand that. And I understand that seat cushions are comfy and cozy and downright irresistable. Yes. But where did the seat cushion go?
You see, the rocking chair has a cushion that ties on, and the Gang of Two do dearly love those dangling ties. That was cute, and cute, too, was the sight of them curled up on the cushion together. Then they got the ties untied—ah! clever kitties!—and the sight of the Gang of Two curled up together on the seat cushion, now under the rocker, was also, yes, cute.
So where did the seat cushion go? It’s…gone. It’s not on the chair. It’s not under the chair. It’s not visible from the chair.
I am confused.
UPDATE: It was under the bed. They dragged it four feet. I am no longer confused. I am now impressed.
Friday Kitten Blogging
The Gang of Two Join the WWFE
Fanty gets the upper hand
The Gang of Two In Living Color
Bought myself a new toy over the weekend; my very first digital camera (Nikon Coolpix 5600). Let’s see what we got here.
The Gang of Two destroy the Holiday tree:
Mingo Surveys His Evil Handiwork:
Serenity named “Best Movie”
Okay, 3rd best. Bless New York Magazine’s pointy little heart.
Mingo and Fanty are proud to have been featured in such a movie. They told me so themselves.
Trouble in Kittenland
Early this morning, I caught Fanty peeing on a manuscript.
Possibly, I should rename her “Critic.”