I used to date a guy whose mom bred show dogs, or pedigreed dogs that could be show dogs, or something. Anyway, I learned from him that show animals get really long names so that they aren’t repeated in the official pedigree database. Or something. It prevents hundreds of cats named “Socks” from being listed. And the long names can be pretty funny.
Anyway, I got the idea in my head that if it was good enough for show animals, it was good enough for my animals. So I started giving my cats ridiculous names. These are their “real” names, of course, the short version is just a nickname. So, for example, Princess was really Princess Just Go Ahead Now. Cuddles, who started life as Persephone, was Persephone Queen of Night and Shadow. And so it goes.
So, as I’ve come to know their personalities, I’ve decided on the full names of the Gang of Two. They are
Mighty, Mighty, Mingo
Fanty Fraidy Run Away! Run Away!
Yeah, like you care.