Mingo is fine. Late last night he jumped up onto his favorite landing, and I thought, Huh, he looks fine. Early this morning he got into my lap and I was able to touch and rub both legs. No flinching, no reaction at all except purring, and his eyes are clear and focused. So I called the vet and cancelled, and said if she felt that Mingo should be seen anyway, she should call and I’d come, but she didn’t so I didn’t.
Archive for Gang of Two
Friday Catblogging: Limp
Instead of photos, today I ask for your good wishes. Mingo developed a limp a week ago Wednesday. He was fine in the morning, in the evening he was limping. I called the vet Thursday, and she said give it until Monday, it was probably just a pulled muscle.
By Saturday he’d lost a lot of weight, but the weight stabilized (he hasn’t kept losing). The fur and eyes are healthy. By Monday he was better but not perfect, and I figured, phew, out of the woods, that limp is almost gone. But it stayed almost gone and Wednesday night (a full week) I noticed he was hunching his back in a funny way, and I realized he was doing it to lift his weight off his legs. He walks steadier but with the hunch. And then he got needy, in that under the weather may I sit in your lap way that cats have.
So, Thursday I called the vet and we have an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. Please keep Mighty Mighty Mingo in your thoughts. I’ll let you know how it all turns out.
Friday Catblogging: Waiting for the door
I just love the way he sits at the door and waits. Fanty will mewl, but Mingo just sits there, like assuming that I’ll mosey along and open it for him.
Friday Catblogging: Bookends
Anything you can do I can do cuter
Friday Catblogging: Small spaces
One of the very first photos I kittenblogged (now there’s a formation!) was of the Gang in a basket.
Now only half a Gang fits:
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Unfortunately for us all, the plans are to be changed
Today (Thursday, actually) is the Gang of Two’s birthday. One year old today! La!
The plans included
- The purchasing of charming birthday chapeaux
- The photographing of the Gang, wearing said chapeaux
- The changing of the blog subhead to read “cats” instead of “kittens”
- I can’t find the thing to change in the template
- I forgot to buy hats
- The batteries in the camera died
- When the batteries were recharged, the Gang was exceptionally non-photogenic
- And I do mean “exceptionally”
- Eventually I figured out it’s not in the template, it’s in WordPress, so that got done.
So. Happy Friday.
Friday Kittenblogging: Say Goodbye
This is the last edition of Friday Kittenblogging. Next week, I unveil….TA DA!!…Friday Catblogging. That’s right, the Gang of Two will be one year old on October 5th. The little monsters.
So without further ado, I present
Belly flap
Pretty much the minute she stopped looking like a kitten, Fanty developed El Gato Belly Flappo, the fat furry bit that flaps back and forth as she walks.
The other day, I noticed that when she lies on her side, it sorta POOFS up. Photography was mandatory.
Fun With Language: Walking in the Ragu
Last night:
Me, to Mingo: “No! Cats may not walk through the Ragu.”
Arthur, from next room: “The cat’s walking in the Ragu?”
Me: “The important point here is that the Ragu is in walkable position.”
Friday Kittenblogging: Chair Cat
This is a re-run of the disappeared Kittenblogging from last week.
Notice how his tail is resting on the footstool. That’s just very cool.