Archive for Paganism

Sunday Meditation: Darkness

Soon it will be Winter Solstice, and light begins to return. Now is an excellent time to meditate on darkness.

Prepare a dark and silent space for meditation. Ground and center.

Visualize the darkness. Allow light to drain away, and see yourself in the dark.

What waits for you here?

What secrets belong to the dark, that can be revealed by exploring this space?

In the space of silence and sleep, what can be known?

Know that sleep and rest in the dark is refreshing and renewing, and always returns you to the light. Know that the light will always be there for you.

Sunday Meditation: Self-perception

Today I was thinking about how odd it is to get fan mail. People have a perception of me, and I have a perception of me, and they might meet in the middle, or they might not.

That’s true for everyone.

Sometimes we’re misjudged. Sometimes it’s negative. Earlier this week, I got a strange email. A guy had asked me if it would be more convenient to do X than Y. I said yes it would, and thank you for considering my convenience. His response was that this proved to him I was selfish. It was some kind of test and I failed. What I actually failed at was being too trusting and honest; I took him at face value instead of realizing I was being tested. So his negative impression was a misjudgment.

Sometimes a misjudgment is neutral; it’s not negative or positive, just incorrect, like someone being wrong about your age or background. They might, indeed, be wrong about your spirit.

So, the first part of this meditation is to allow your self-knowledge to shine through misperceptions.

Ground and center.

From your center, allow a glowing light that is you, your true self, to shine.

Brighter and brighter, the real you radiates light that leaves your body and surrounds you.

Visualize the people near you, sending ideas, judgments, and perceptions that just don’t fit. And now visualize the light of your center clearing those misperceptions away. As light devours shadow, the truth about you wipes away judgment.

There is a second way we interact with the perceptions of others, and that is when our own perceptions are negative or false, and we can see ourselves most clearly through the eyes of another.

Sometimes I am massively frustrated with my own stupidity, and yet people I know tell me I’m smart. It can help to take that information in, to allow myself to know that I am seen as smart in a way that enriches my self-perception. If you think of yourself as unlovable, it is wonderful to meditate on the people who love you, and to feel their perception correct yours.

When my friends tell me how brave I am, it is easy to think, ‘Oh, no, they’re wrong. They wouldn’t think that way if they knew how terrified I was.’

But maybe they’re not wrong. Maybe they understand that behaving bravely in the world (the part they see) is a truer test of courage than feeling afraid while doing so (the part I see).

So, the second part of this meditation is to allow perceptions in.

Still grounded and centered, continue to focus on the bright light of your center. Make sure that light feels secure and stable, it will never fade. You know yourself.

And now, knowing yourself, allow loving and truthful perceptions in. Allow your knowledge to wake up, to expand, as a result of the things others say to you.

Hear the words your friends have said. Hear, in your mind, the voices saying “I love you,” “You’re so smart,” “You’re so kind,” and any other things that they said.

Sometimes it is hard to take those words in. Take them in now. Feel how the light that is you glows stronger and brighter when enhanced by loving perceptions.

Sunday Meditation: Learned Empowerment

Building on my earlier post on learned helplessness, I thought a meditation on breaking free from learned helplessness would be meaningful.

Ground and center.

Ask yourself, When do I feel helpless?
Visualize a situation in which you feel helpless.
Perhaps there is a pattern. Perhaps this is a situation in which you always feel helpless. Or perhaps it is one instance that sticks in your craw. Perhaps you recall thinking, Why didn’t I act? Why did I freeze? Why did I take it?
Know that you have power.
Know that helplessness is not a natural part of you.
Breathe in power.
Breathe in ability. Say to yourself, I am able. I am strong.
Visualize the situation again, and visualize yourself acting.
Where you once stood still, visualize yourself walking away.
Where you you once kept silent, visualize finding your voice.
Breathe in power, and as you exhale, breathe that power into the situation.
Fill the situation with power, and see yourself behaving with that power.
See yourself glowing with power.
Notice how good it feels.
Notice how much strength is in your muscles.
Notice how free your vocal cords are.
Notice the swing in your step.
Allow yourself to smile.
Power feels good.
Visualize the situation again, with yourself acting appropriately and powerfully, and tell yourself that you will never again be helpless in that situation.
So be it.

VA Pentacle case goes to suit

After waiting nine years, after the government refused to allow a soldier killed in Afghanistan to be buried with the symbol of his religion, with 1800 Wiccans on active duty in the military, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State has finally filed suit against the Deptartment of Veterans Affairs.

“I honestly think there must be some people who don’t want to acknowledge that the Wiccan religion should be entitled to the same rights as other religions,” said Selena Fox, who is senior minister of the Wiccan Circle Sanctuary in Barneveld, Wisconsin.

I don’t know if Selena is being disingenuous, because, like, of course some people don’t want us to have our rights. Of course “freedom of religion” only means “my religion and those very similar to mine and not those that make me uncomfortable.” I mean, read the Constitution, duh.

CNN has a poll up. Go vote. And while you’re at it, consider contributing to Americans United. This is work done for all of us.

Learned empowerment

Learned helplessness is an injury to your fight or flight response.

In animal experiments, the researcher Martin Seligman found that an animal could learn it had no power to escape. Cage a dog and shock it. The dog will struggle, snarl, try to get away, but it can’t, it’s in a cage. Do this over and over, until the dog has learned that struggling is futile. It can’t escape. Now shock the dog; it stands there whimpering.

Now take the cage away. Shock the dog. It stands there whimpering.

Learned helplessness has been used as a model to explain depression, to explain patterns of revictimization (why do abused people seek new abusers?), to explain the persistant failure of able people.

But helplessness can be unlearned. I am interested in psychology, in therapy, in inner work. I am interested in behavior. I am also interested in ritual. And I am interested in how these things interact.

The use of affirmations is effective. You look in the mirror every morning and repeat “I am successful.” In time, it becomes true. But affirmations are verbal, not behavioral. What we need to do is step out of the cage.

The first time a victimized person says no to an abuser, it will feel awkward and unnatural. It will cause anxiety. She will feel like something is wrong. She’s imprinting new behaviors. She’s used to standing there and whimpering, and she’s sure there’s going to be a worse shock.

There isn’t.

One thing that Pagans can do is create models, rituals, meditations, that build power and restore self-direction. One thing that everyone can do is support the process of ending victimization.

Sunday Meditation: Grounding and Centering

This is the first of my weekly Sunday meditations. Since all meditation should begin with grounding and centering, let’s do that.

Sit, stand, or lie down. Breathe comfortably.
Find your center. Find the part of your body that feels like the place where you reside. Breathe in and out from your center.
Allow all your thoughts, feelings, ideas, and energies to come home to your center. You’re not out there, worrying about tomorrow. You’re centered. You’re not thinking about yesterday. You’re centered. Let all the little distractions come home and be at peace.
Notice all your energy gathered in your center like a glowing ball.
(If you’re standing) Take a tendril of that energy, and send it down through your legs, your feet, out the soles of your feet…
(If you’re seated or lying down) Take a tendril of that energy, and send it down through your spine, out the base of your spine…
into the Earth.
Feel yourself rooted in the Earth.
Feel yourself supported by the Earth.
Feel the energy of your body mingling with the firm, strong, nurturing energy of the Earth.

You can spend a long time in meditation just doing a grounding and centering exercise like this one, or it can be a quick thirty-second prelude to whatever you do next. Grounding and centering is a basic mind skill, and everyone who meditates or does ritual should be able to do it quickly and easily.

Try it when you’re upset, when you’re distracted or unfocused at work or school, or when you feel disconnected or disoriented.

What Tuesday means to Pagans

I am not one of those Pagans under the illusion that all Pagans are liberals. We are, perhaps, more liberal as a demographic than the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but there are still plenty of conservatives and libertarians in Massachusetts. I have met numerous Pagans who are libertarians or strong fiscal conservatives. Nonetheless, here’s where this is a victory for Pagans:

The first Muslim has been elected to the U.S. Congress. Hailing from a Paganistan district, Keith Ellison increases religious diversity in Congress, moving us an inch further from the Christians-rule-the-U.S. paradigm.

In eight states, an anti-gay marriage amendment was on the ballot. In seven states, it passed, but not in Arizona. For the first time, an anti-gay marriage initiative failed. Gay rights is one issue, along with religious freedom, that I think is unequivocally Pagan. As Pagan priestesses and priests, many of us perform gay marriage or handfasting ceremonies that are not currently acknowledged by law (except you-know-where). We Pagans do not want rule of law based on a Bible we do not use.

The new Democratic Congress will (at last!) exercise the oversight that the Republican Congress has willfully and malignantly neglected. I think that oversight itself, built into our Constitution, is a Pagan principal. We believe in policing ourselves. A traditional coven is ruled by a High Priestess in partnership with a High Priest; I have long described it as a consensus dictatorship; I can only rule when I am fair, because the minute I am unfair, my people will refuse to be ruled. The American people can learn a lot from that model! Other Pagan groups use more deliberately open models; ruled democratically or by consensus or by rotation.

Oversight means that someone is paying attention, not passively accepting, and when something is wrong, it is brought to light. Pagans, who rule themselves quite badly much of the time, rely heavily on this. The gossip that plagues the Pagan community also serves an oversight function; if someone is harmful, word gets around.

So, this week has brought the U.S. Pagan community a government with greater religious diversity, more oversight, and less willingness to opress gay people. Rah cheer!

Honoring the Dead

On Halloween (also known as Samhain), Wiccans honor the dead.

We might grieve, or we might be at peace. It can be a solemn celebration, or a joyful one. We can honor our ancestral dead, our predecessors, our loved ones, our pets, friends, or heroes. The veil between the world of the living and the realm of the dead is thin at this time, and we can communicate with the other side. We can share a feast, make merry, weep, or simply remember. Tomorrow the veil will thicken, but once a year we walk the worlds together.

So, to my honored dead… » Read more..

Mythic dream

Every now and then you dream in mythology. This was very interesting. It’s a little dirty, so stop reading if you can’t handle naked body parts.

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Toddler religion

I saw a bumpersticker tonight that said

The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom

…and I thought, Wow, that’s just about everything that’s wrong with religion today.*
Now, this quote probably originates in an older meaning of “fear.” Something more like “awe” was probably intended. And indeed, awe can be the beginning of wisdom. The left hand of awe is humility; the understanding that there are things we cannot understand, things greater than us, and that our answers are not the be all end all of answers.

But y’know, I think that’s not what the mini-van driver meant by it.

Fear of the Lord drives the kind of religious thought that is based in obedience. Doing what God wants and avoiding what God objects to. Because of the fear. Because you might get your ass spiritually kicked. “I’ll be good, God! Don’t kick my humble ass! PUH-LEEZE!”
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