Archive for Site News

Contest Winner: The Blog She is Named

The contest is finally over. Ben and CmdrSue are co-winners, and what are their prizes, Johnny? As you suspected, they win the right to have a blog with a cool name listed on their respective blogrolls.

Mine Was an Evil Laugh was the early favorite until Tom discovered it was in use on Live Journal.

Property of a Lady is a short story by Ian Fleming, in which James Bond uncovers a mole within MI6 via a Sotheby’s auction. (The auction is depicted in the movie Octopussy, itself originally a short story title.)

Originally, Arthur thought of Property of a Lady as the name of a band in some fiction he’s writing. I thought it was a terrific name for a band and asked if I could use it as such in some fiction I’m writing. He said sure, but later he felt a little squicky about me using it as a blog title, which is much more public. (And not a band.) So I’m very, very glad he relented and allowed me to steal his very clever idea.

The Way of Four Spellbook

The Way of Four Spellbook is now available for preorder. Plus, there’s a nifty graphic of the cover up on my In Print page.

The relationship between the In Print page and the In Progress page is kind of existential. Once I’ve finished writing a book, it’s not in progress, but not yet in print. I should probably just rename the pages rather than contemplate the limbo in which those books live. Especially since the Pope abolished limbo.

New Review

The Way of Four was (favorably) reviewed in the Autumn issue of The Beltane Papers (print edition anyway; didn’t see if it was online as well).

Also, I updated the Events calendar, but there’s nothing much coming up, I just fixed the dates.

Site Stuff

Okay, as I said last night in a burst of unbridled enthusiasm, the James Bond site is up, albeit in rudimentary form. The purpose of that site is to allow fans of James Bond to find my book without wading through baffling Wicca stuff with no actual Walther PPK in sight.

I’ve also adjust the home page, In Print, and In Progress pages of to direct people to the right site. (Actually, all I did with In Progress was remove the Bond book, ’cause I can’t see having a book that is both In Print and In Progress, and the Bond book is available for pre-order, but only in the UK. And I wrote to my publisher about that oddity. But I digress.)

Also, I’m working on fixing the blog up nice & spiffy. The designer of my new theme is being terribly helpful about some of my questions and a couple of bugs, and some day soon it’ll be all spiff all the time.

Also I’ve added more links because I aim to be entertaining. I highly recommend you check out I Blame the Patriarchy; she is Coke-spew funny.

So Whadya Think?

Took me forever to figure out how to do this. It’s really very simple. But my brain. Sigh.

Fixed the front page

My What is Wicca? page mysteriously disappeared from my website. I blame myself. ::hangs head in shame:: I fixed it.

Site updates and publication news

More new workshops, including “Festival as Community” and “Pain Management.” Updates to “In Print” and “In Progress.”

My big news is that The Ultimate James Bond Fan Book will see print next spring. I can’t begin to tell you how happy it makes me. Just hear the Bond theme in your head while reading this and you’ll get it.

Can you hear me? Hello? Hello?

Yes indeedy, that’s what WE call site problems. Come back from Starwood, all happy and sun-poisoned and exhausted and dying to write, and curses! thwarted!

Anyway, here, for the second time ever, phrases only heard at Starwood:

1) “Mike, your skirt is caught on the drum.”
2) “My son’s first sarong. I’m so proud!”
3) “The secret ingredient is Pringles.”
4) “So, is your girlfriend in a relationship with your wife’s boyfriend?”

And, the three most important rules of Starwood….

“Hydration, hydration, hydration.”

I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.

Oh yeah, and many people totally rock, including the Utiliklan, the Brushwood staff, the entire Dalton camp, the folks at ACE, Charlie, Matt, the Parkers, Chris Penczak, LaSara Firefox, everyone from Kalamazoo, linguists, Patricia Monaghan, thorasic surgeons, the First Aid guys, and Sparky’s cow. Take a bow, everyone.

Finally getting around to updating things…

Updated Events with Pagan Pride info. September only seems far off.

Updated Workshops with the new version of Spellcasting. It has gotten too burdensome to squeeze Spellcasting into two hours; there’s too much good material, I end up talking a blue streak and having not enough space for questions. So, for Starwood, I’ll cut some material so we can have some fun. And in the future, I’ll give all the material, spread out more.

Starwood’s only 2 weeks away. I can hardly believe it.

More Site Changes

I added a note to the Workshops page that the Structure of Spellcraft lecture can be done as a single session or two sessions. This is because of how much material I covered and didn’t cover this weekend. I might do the same as an option for the Way of Four lecture.