Archive for Site News

Site Updates

Several updates today. First, maybe you’ve noticed the blog itself has been upgraded; this was just to save me from the ravages of spam.

Second, take a look at the Events page; one event added for October, dates added for FSG in June, and some other stuff tidied up.

Finally, take a look at the Workshops. I added two and straightened out a few descriptions. Always trying to improve my availability and all like that.

Blogging is Spamalicious

Sorry if you’ve been looking through comments and have had your eyeballs wounded by spam attacks. I’ve had to add more words to my spamwatch keyword folder.

Updates to the site

You know, the thing about creating a website is, for the most part, you create the site and forget about it. I try to be very conscientious about updating the Events page, about posting any news about my books, keeping reviews current, and once in a while I even remember to add new books (or new to me) to the Recommended Reading page.

But some things you sort of leave alone. I mean, I add workshops, and sometimes I drop old ones I’m tired of, but why would I re-read a workshop description?

As it turns out, it’s good to re-read it if it references a “forthcoming” book that’s been out for eight months now. Boy is my face red.

So, some updates, some fixer-uppers. Like that.

Excerpt Posted

You can read an excerpt of the new book, The Way of Four Spellbook, here.

How cool is that?

I’m still learning this blog thingie. (Is that spelled correctly or is it “thingy?”) Lookit the calendar in the left-side bar. You can click on any day and it will go to that day’s post. You can hover over that day and it will tell you the latest title posted that day.

This is just all so slick.

Things about setting up the blog

If you want a link on the left because you think that I think that you’re cool, email me.

Here we go, first post in the log!

This should be fun. I figured since I was updating the What’s New page in a bloggish manner that this might be a more efficient way to get things communicated. So this will be a good place to post things and maybe to interact…if anyone is reading this! Well, I do get hits at the hit counter, so I shouldn’t doubt it, but it is sometimes hard to believe that there are people from all over reading my books and my site.