Name the actor based on the roles (I sincerely hope I avoid using an actor from a previous entry, but I don’t keep a database of these things).
1. The captain of a downed plane, Wyatt Earp, an engaged man in love with his neighbor.
Solved (eventually) by Hazel (comment #9).
2. A nurse in a mental institution, a scriptwriter on a soap opera, a bank worker who receives a strange message.
Solved by Melville (comment #2).
3. An ex-con short-order cook, a real estate salesman, a diabolical law firm owner.
Solved by Melville (comment #2).
4. A charity worker in Africa (now traveling through Europe), a saint, a stage star in love with a married man.
Solved by George (comment #11) and by Hazel (comment #12).
5. A petty criminal with a bad limp, a serial killer, a pop singer.
Solved by Hazel (comment #1).
6. A cross-dresser, a nanny, the queen of a magical land.
Solved by Tom Hilton (comment #6).
7. A gay painter, a motivational speaker, a sitcom star.
Solved by fiona (comment #4).