1. With a place name as a title, this Western has two male stars who have both played heroes in major film franchises.
Half credit to Melville (comment #9)
HINT: This is a 2006 movie, and one of the franchises is James Bond.
Not actually solved by George (comment #17).
Ultimately solved by George (comment #19).
2. One of the stars of this multi-generational Western was best known for musicals, and even though the movie isn’t a musical, she does manage to squeeze a song and dance routine in.
Solved by witless chum (comment #11).
3. The hero refuses to be publically hazed by riding “Old Thunder,” but then rides him privately.
Solved by Melville (comment #9).
4. Man 1: “What did you say your name was again?”
Man 2: “I didn’t.”
Man 1: “No. I guess you didn’t at that, did you?”
Solved by Melville (comment #9).
5. A woman gives birth on a journey to her husband, aided by an alcoholic doctor and a whore.
Solved by George (comment #3).
6. Man 1: “You call that a name?”
Man 2: “Care to try and change it?”
HINT: The name in question is the title of the film, but the real star is the woman he loves.
Solved by George (comment #16).
7. This “dark Western” features Rock Hudson as an Indian.
Solved by George (comment #3).