Enjoy a wide-ranging discussion on Witchlit about writing, rewriting, polarity, elements, and many other things! Available here or wherever you get your podcasts.
Ahead of my upcoming (March 13) appearance, The Folklore Podcast has published a lovely review of The Way of Four. Thanks!
CORRECTION: I’m going to be on TV! Watch for me on Oculus Alchemy: Witch TV on April 5. I’ll be talking about The Way of Four as well as other new books and projects. So cool.
If you’re in the NYC metro area, the show airs Wednesdays at 10 on:
If you’re not local, don’t worry. The show will become a part of their YouTube channel for eternal watching and rewatching.
There’s so much happening right now!
Phew, that’s a lot!
I’ve got two upcoming podcast appearances!
First, Desperate Housewitches with the magnificent Raina Starr on March 5 at 11am Eastern. We’ll be discussing Bending the Binary and whatever else comes to mind. Raina and I always have fun (here’s some other appearances I’ve done on her show, and here’s the home page.)
Next, on March 21, at 6pm Eastern, I’ll be with Victoria Raschke of Witchlit Podcast. We’ll be talking The Way of Four, although who knows? Bending the Binary might sneak in.
I’ll post links afterward once archived episodes are available if you can’t listen live.
Llewellyn just sent me a box of The Way of Four and The Way of Four Spellbook in Russian. (Of course, I don’t ever remember being paid for Russian rights, so now I have to straighten out the paperwork, but whatever.)
Naturally, this is very exciting. This is the fourth language in which I am in print. In addition to English, I’m printed in Polish, Indonesian, and now Russian. So cool.
If you are interested in purchasing either book in Russian, I have a few I can sell. I have no idea what the cover price is, but I’m sure we can figure a fair price. Please contact me if you’d like to buy either or both books.