Sunday Meditation: Grounding and Centering

This is the first of my weekly Sunday meditations. Since all meditation should begin with grounding and centering, let’s do that.

Sit, stand, or lie down. Breathe comfortably.
Find your center. Find the part of your body that feels like the place where you reside. Breathe in and out from your center.
Allow all your thoughts, feelings, ideas, and energies to come home to your center. You’re not out there, worrying about tomorrow. You’re centered. You’re not thinking about yesterday. You’re centered. Let all the little distractions come home and be at peace.
Notice all your energy gathered in your center like a glowing ball.
(If you’re standing) Take a tendril of that energy, and send it down through your legs, your feet, out the soles of your feet…
(If you’re seated or lying down) Take a tendril of that energy, and send it down through your spine, out the base of your spine…
into the Earth.
Feel yourself rooted in the Earth.
Feel yourself supported by the Earth.
Feel the energy of your body mingling with the firm, strong, nurturing energy of the Earth.

You can spend a long time in meditation just doing a grounding and centering exercise like this one, or it can be a quick thirty-second prelude to whatever you do next. Grounding and centering is a basic mind skill, and everyone who meditates or does ritual should be able to do it quickly and easily.

Try it when you’re upset, when you’re distracted or unfocused at work or school, or when you feel disconnected or disoriented.


  1. Barbs says:

    thank you

  2. Dan says:

    I prefer to do my meditations under a very old oak tree in my neighborhood
    thats in the old English cemetary.It’s also a great place to play with my canine friends and to counsel people with problems.

  3. deblipp says:

    That sounds lovely.

  4. Laura says:

    Thank you for that visualization. My mind can become very scattered and unfocused and I enjoyed this very much.

  5. deblipp says:

    You’re welcome.

  6. Dolmena says:

    I like the wording of this exercise. If I give credit, may I add it to my training materials?

  7. deblipp says:

    Sorry to keep you waiting in moderation, Dolmena. Yes, you may.

  8. […] So, the first part of this meditation is to allow your self-knowledge to shine through misperceptions. Ground and center. […]

  9. […] In a comfortable position, ground and center. […]

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  11. […] This is an advanced exercise. If you are not good at grounding and centering yet, you should not be doing things like breathing in negativity. Ground and center. […]

  12. […] our Sunday meditations, we almost always mention grounding and centering, and emphasize its importance as the beginning of all […]

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  16. […] work on grounding and centering. I mean, focus your meditation entirely on getting good at that, until you can do it in about five […]