Legislating Nature

Amanda makes a brilliant point:

I’ve never quite understood why we have to legislate and/or use social pressure to force women to behave naturally. I breathe and walk on two feet without society interfering, so why is it that if I, as a woman, have a “natural caution”, then only the fear of being tarred a slut will make me cautious? You’ll see the same argument coming from people who claim that women have a natural love of staying home and having lots of children—because this is our nature, apparently we need to be forced into it by having our reproductive rights stripped from us.


  1. Dan says:

    As a man who would actualy love to stay at home keeping care of a bunch of kids I would like to say I agree with you 100%.Every human being has the right to make the choices that feel right to them and should never submit to having choices forced on them because of gender.
    Furthermore on the subject of sluts,have you ever notice that the kind of behaviour that men accuse women of when they call them sluts(sleeping with just about anyone,going from 1 partner to another etc)is in fact the typical behaviour of the average man.

  2. deblipp says:

    All true. Most important, though, is the idea that, if it’s all so “natural” as the fundies promote it to be, why must law enforce it? Either it’s not all that natural and must be enforced, or it’s so natural that enforcement is redundant.

  3. Dan says:

    What you say is very logical but some people prefer crack pot theories to logic.Don’t forget that these are the same people who preach creationist science and think that George Of Arabia is a great leader.

  4. Aeryn Honey says:

    I think women’s comes in this world with more responsiblities i.e is why every other men try to dominate women kind we are anyway not forced to do anything if we do it with limits !!

  5. […] So here’s the question: Does it matter? Maybe it’s “natural” (there’s that word) for women to be the subject of gaze, and men to be the object. Maybe there’s nothing inherently sexist about it, maybe it’s a built-in feature of being gendered. So what? […]