There’s something that I’ve wanted in my life for quite a while and haven’t gotten. I’ve taken both practical and magical steps for it, and yet I’ve had no results. In fact, I’ve had tantalizing almost-results, and I’ve done things that seemed guaranteed to succeed, so at this point, I’m sure there’s some kind of psychic block, although I don’t know what it is.
This is something that happens to a lot of people. There’s something that you want, something real-world and attainable; a job, a house, a relationship, a baby, that somehow you haven’t been able to get. Or there’s something you don’t want, some persistent pattern, that you haven’t been able to get rid of. If you know it’s something possible, and you’ve taken steps, and you’ve reached out for help with those steps, and you’re still not there, then it might be a psychic block. This meditation is designed to help clear such a block.
Ground and center.
You are in a place outdoors, and you are comfortable and at ease. You are going to go on a journey. Perhaps you can begin from the beautiful area behind your meditation cottage, and choose a path leading from there.
Begin to walk on the path. The way is pleasant and relaxed. Your feet naturally find the easiest steps on the road. The air is soft around you.
Gradually the way becomes difficult. From time to time, you must watch your footing, and you begin to notice a feeling of effort and strain in your body, but it’s fine, it’s within your capabilities. It’s like light exercise, and you are happy to continue.
Notice what the path looks like. Observe its colors and shapes. Listen for sounds. What is this path like?
Now you come to a barrier in your path. Stop and observe this barrier. What is it made of? How big is it? What does it feel like to be blocked in this way? Before trying to change anything about this barrier, simply observe it, and meditate on the experience of encountering it.
Now start removing the barrier. You can use any means you like, and you can get help in any way you choose. You are in your own meditation space, and so you do not have to conform to any normal rules. Perhaps the barrier crumbles easily, perhaps it is stubborn and difficult to remove. Continue the process of removal.
With the barrier removed, you can get to the other side. What is it like there? Enjoy your time on the other side before returning home.
Some people may find that they cannot remove the barrier. That’s okay. Your work was effective and helpful, and there’s more work to do. You can repeat this meditation to finish the work another time. Feel good about the progress you made.
You should make time to return to this path and this journey another time, to walk past the remnants of the barrier and enjoy the path you’ve cleared.